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Registration is now open for 2024-2025 Winter Sessions!

As of 1/26/2025 Age Division 3: Birth years of 2013, 2012 and 2011 is full for Session 3. Please email [email protected] to be added to a waitlist.

There are several exciting changes for this coming season to take note of.

1)  We have regrouped our age divisions. Age division is determined by the player’s birth year. There is no playing up or down based on skill or for convenience of siblings or commuting.

      • Age Division 1: Birth years of 2017 and 2016
      • Age Division 2: Birth years of 2015 and 2014
      • Age Division 3: Birth years of 2013, 2012 and 2011
      • HS-Boys & HS-Girls: Provided we get enough registrations we will have separate Boys and Girls divisions for birth years of 2010, 2009, 2008 or 2007.

2) Lastly, you might have noticed that we’ve increased our age range to include seven year-olds! We’re excited about working with younger players. Please spread the word if you know of any players and families who may be interested.

Age Division 1 will be doing a skills & drills style practice each week, with lots of skill/confidence building and occasional small-sided scrimmages. Each player in Age Division 1 will receive the same color T-shirt, and we’ll break up into groups each week as necessary to progress through stations. This is slightly different from how our older players have dedicated teams and alternate practice weeks and game weeks. We recognize this could be disappointing for players who have watched older siblings. However, we are excited that we’re growing our program, and I am confident that our youngest group will thrive and enjoy themselves.

Online Registration 2024-2025


Players Name(Required)
Only players with birth years between 2007 and 2017 can be registered.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Age Division(Required)
Please select the appropriate division based on the player's age. (As a rec-level league there is no playing up or down based on skill level). - Age Division 2 is full. - Age Division 3 is full. - High School Boys is Full
Session Registering For(Required)
You must register for each session separately (Sorry!)
Player's Gender(Required)
Players Address(Required)
Shirt Size(Required)
Select the appropriate size shirt for the player. Shirts are cotton and tend to shrink a little after washing/drying.
Coaches will ask for goalkeeping volunteers each week. We think it's important to provide players an opportunity to play all positions. However, it would be helpful to know if a player WANTS to be a goalkeeper in an effort to avoid having 3 goalkeepers randomly placed on a single team, and no goalkeepers on another team. Checking this box does not mean the player will only be goalkeeping. We want aspiring goalkeepers to have time playing field positions as well.

Terms of Agreement

Club Name: Andro United
City: Leeds
State: ME
League Name: Androscoggin Youth Indoor Soccer

I hereby consent to the above-named club registering me with US Club Soccer. I understand that I may be registered to only one US Club Soccer member club at any time.

Note: it will not be necessary to complete this form again as long as the player is with this club, which will hold this form unless requested by US Club Soccer.

Do you agree to the terms of agreement?(Required)


Parent or Guardian's Full Name(Required)
Parent or Guardian's Address(Required)
Used for credit card billing purposes.
Additional Parent or Guardian's Full Name


Emergency Contact Person #1(Required)
Emergency Contact Person #2


Physician's Name(Required)
Policy Holder's Name

Medical Agreement

I hereby give my consent to have an athletic trainer, coach, team manager, emergency medical technician, nurse, medical treatment facility, and/or doctor of medicine or dentistry or associated personnel provide the applicant/participant with medical assistance and/or treatment and agree to be financially responsible for the cost of such assistance and/or treatment. I understand treatment for injury will be based on information provided herein. I hereby authorize emergency transportation of the applicant/participant to a medical treatment facility should an individual listed above consider it to be warranted. I recognize the possibility of physical injury associated with soccer, and hereby release, discharge, and otherwise indemnify the club, US Club Soccer, their sponsors, the USSF and its affiliated organizations, and the employees and associated personnel of these organizations, against any claim by or on behalf of the soccer player named above as a result of that player’s participation in US Club Soccer programs and/or being transported to or from the same, which transportation I hereby authorize.

Do you consent to the Medical Agreement?(Required)

Media Agreement

I hereby give my consent and consent on behalf of my child to be photographed/filmed while participating in Andro United run events and to use such photographs/footage for any purpose, including promotional advertising.

Do you agree to the Media Agreement?(Required)
Please type your full name to be used as a digital signature.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Relation to Player(Required)


Please select the correct session you will be paying for below.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.